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Eden Parking Lots Map

Here for you

To purchase a subscription to an ‘Eden’ parking lot,

contact the parking office by email or call us:


Use of the parking lots is governed by the rules and regulations as published on the parking lot signs. The information appearing on this website is for informative purposes only; the content and tariffs that actually apply are as written on the parking lot signs. This website provides general information only, and ‘Eden’ – The Jerusalem Economic Development Company is not in any way responsible for the accuracy of the information provided which may change from time to time. The website and information presented on the website do not in any way place any obligation whatsoever on ‘Eden’ – The Jerusalem Economic Development Company.

Central Business Districts

Downtown - Central Business District (CBD)

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Northern - Central Business District (CBD)

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Eastern - Central Business District (CBD)

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The Jerusalem Gateway

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'Eden' Projects
