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Twenty office towers up to 40 stories high will be built as part of the Jerusalem Gateway Quarter, encompassing approximately 1.25 million square meters of new buildings providing offices and commercial space, with the largest conference center in the Middle East and 2,000 hotel rooms at its center, alongside thousands of square meters of cultural and public buildings.

The business district will attract companies, investors and important financial organizations from Israel and abroad and will provide the foundations for the economic growth of Jerusalem. The business center will be constructed at the heart of the transportation hub that includes the high-speed train to Ben Gurion Airport and Tel Aviv, the Jerusalem Central Bus Station, three light rail lines, road level separation on Shazar Boulevard, and an underground parking lot.

TOPOTEK 1, the internationally acclaimed architects, were chosen to design the Gateway’s public urban spaces following an international architecture competition.

When complete, the project will provide 60,000 employment opportunities and act as a fulcrum for the development of Israel’s capital city.

Visit the project’s website: www.jerusalemgw.co.il


Lot Marketing

In cooperation with the Israel Land Authority, we are promoting the marketing and tendering of the state-owned lands in the project’s area. In 2020, we successfully sold two of the project’s building lots, and in the coming two years, additional tenders will be published. 

New tenders can be viewed on the Israel Land Authority website and on the Jerusalem Gateway website.



Statutory Planning

The “Eden” Company is currently developing the updated Jerusalem Gateway plan which will facilitate the implementation of the Jerusalem Gateway Quarter Project by increasing the building rights, adding building usage options, creating and defining parameters for design and construction, and setting best practice standards in accordance with the LEED guidelines for green building.

Public Urban Space – Design and Planning

TOPOTEK 1, the internationally acclaimed architects, were chosen to design the Gateway’s public urban spaces following an international architecture competition. The project’s public urban spaces are to be upgraded and will be constructed to a high standard, creating an attractive, vibrant, dynamic urban environment. 



Central Business Districts

The Jerusalem Gateway

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Downtown - Central Business District (CBD)

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Northern - Central Business District (CBD)

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Eastern - Central Business District (CBD)

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'Eden' Projects
